But bees. Right? I have the good fortune of being a part of a really talented group of ladies in my first bee, The Beehive. (I direct your attention to the button in the sidebar -->). And last November was my month to have them work their magic on my fabric. I'd sent out some unbleached muslin, some navy solid, and a bunch of aqua blues with a wee bit of green thrown in here and there. I asked for improv blocks with a fresh, beachy feel, inspired by mosaics. And these blocks could be 5", 10" or 15" per side, finished size.
And so tonight, instead of sitting at the machine, I played at the design wall with this stack of blocks.
And it became this:
Please don't mind the light at the left. It's about 9pm here, and I can't trust that the cats won't pull this down overnight. Pictures were a must.
I've actually already moved a couple of blocks. But this was to give me an idea of what gaps I'll need to fill. I have a stack of scraps left over, and will make a few smaller blocks, as well as use them to shim in here and there. Altogether, I am in awe. Nice job, ladies!
This will, at some point in the future, become a light spring quilt for my side of the bed--I run cooler than the furnace/aka the madman.
Meg! It looks so awesome! :D
Ooh, I love the colors you are using. It's so much fun to arrange the blocks and rearrange them:)
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